How to Prevent Enamel Erosion from Acidic Beverages?

How to Prevent Enamel Erosion from Acidic Beverages?

Enamel abrasion is a condition where the enamel of your teeth wears away because of exposure to acidic materials. If you are experiencing issues related to this or have other concerns about your teeth, you can consult with a dentist in Southfield. The specific substances that commonly erode the teeth’s enamel include soft acids like soft drinks, sports drinks, and some fruit juices.

You mentioned that enamel can never be regenerated once it has eroded and my response is that, although this is true, it is possible to prevent the enamel from eroding and only needs to take some precautions in taking foods or beverages with acidic contents.

In What Ways Does Acid Consumption Harm the Enamel?

Acidic drinks have low PH levels and hence they have been known to dissolve the teeth enamel and make it easier for it to wear off more often. If enamel gets in contact with acid it starts to dissolve and leach out valuable minerals including calcium and phosphate ions which are necessary for maintaining a healthy and very hard-wearing tooth surface.

If not handled carefully, these acidic foods and beverages cause your teeth’s enamel to diminish and your teeth become more sensitive to cavities, staining, and other forms of decay.

What Are Some Realistic Measures for Protecting Enamels?

To avoid having your teeth enamel erode, avoid taking your drinks directly and spending a lot of time with them in your mouth. A very useful way of avoiding these stains is by using a straw when taking the drinks. This will ensure that your teeth do not come into contact with the acid too frequently as the liquid will flow past the front teeth and go towards the back of your mouth once you use the straw.

Also, you can minimize the intake of foods and beverages that have high acid content such as soft drinks. The restriction of soft drinks, citrus juices, and sports drinks can go a long way in avoiding cases of enamel erosion.

Rubs Your Teeth After Drinking an Acidic Substance?

It may be quite appealing to brush your teeth after taking acidic foods and drinks but this should not be done. The acid increases the solubility of the enamel and the immediate brushing can potentially damage this already soluble layer.

It is recommended to avoid washing your mouth for half an hour to an hour since your enamel will take time to re-harden. For this reason, you can let your mouth remain without any stimulant or rinse your mouth with water or chewing an sweetened gum that will trigger saliva production and reduce acidity.


To avoid the wearing away of the enamel caused by acids found in certain foods, especially those we drink, a person must be conscious and vigilant on how to protect the teeth. One way of avoiding this is by taking a limited amount of these acidic drinks, using a straw when consuming them, and rinsing your mouth afterwards with water before finally brushing your teeth.

Moreover, the incidences of cavities or other dental diseases will also be prevented by using fluoride products and eating foods containing minerals. By doing so, one can freely consume foods and other delicacies that are acidic in nature without having to worry about damage to the teeth.