Haikyuu is a Japanese sports anime series based on the manga of the same name by Haruichi Furudate. The series follows the story of Shōyō Hinata, a short boy who dreams of becoming a great volleyball player despite his height. He joins the Karasuno High School volleyball team and sets out to defeat the “King of the Court,” Tobio Kageyama, who defeated Hinata’s team in middle school.
The anime adaptation of Haikyuu has been a critical and commercial success, with four seasons currently airing. The fourth season, which aired from 2020 to 2021, covered the manga’s “Spring Interhigh” arc.
Haikyuu Season 5 Release Date
In August 2022, it was announced that Haikyuu would not be returning for a fifth season of the anime. Instead, the series would conclude with two feature-length films. The first film, titled Haikyuu!!: The Movie – The First Contact, was released in Japan on December 24, 2022. The second film, titled Haikyuu!!: The Movie – The Final Tournament, is scheduled to be released in Japan on July 2, 2023.
Haikyuu Season 5 Cast
The cast of Haikyuu Season 5 is expected to remain the same as the previous seasons. This includes:
- Ayumu Murase as Shōyō Hinata
- Kaito Ishikawa as Tobio Kageyama
- Satoshi Hino as Daichi Sawamura
- Miyu Irino as Kōshi Sugawara
- Yuu Hayashi as Ryūnosuke Tanaka
- Yoshimasa Hosoya as Asahi Azumane
- Nobuhiko Okamoto as Yū Nishinoya
- Koki Uchiyama as Kei Tsukishima
- Sōma Saito as Tadashi Yamaguchi
- Ishiki Masuda as Chikara Ennoshita
- Kaori Nazuka as Kiyoko Shimizu
Haikyuu Season 5 Plot
The plot of Haikyuu Season 5 is expected to cover the manga’s “Nationals” arc. In this arc, the Karasuno High School volleyball team competes in the national tournament. They face off against some of the best teams in the country, including Nekoma High School, Seijoh High School, and Shiratorizawa Academy.
The Karasuno team is determined to win the national tournament and prove that they are the best volleyball team in Japan. However, they will face many challenges along the way. They will need to overcome their weaknesses and work together as a team if they want to achieve their goal.
Haikyuu Season 5 is expected to be a thrilling and exciting conclusion to the series. The Karasuno team will face their toughest challenges yet, but they will also have the opportunity to achieve their greatest dreams. Fans of the series are eagerly awaiting the release of the two feature-length films and are excited to see how the story unfolds.
In addition to the cast and plot, here are some other things to expect from Haikyuu Season 5:
- The animation is expected to be top-notch, as it has been in previous seasons.
- The music will be hype and inspiring, just like the music in previous seasons.
- The matches will be intense and exciting, with plenty of action and suspense.
- The characters will continue to grow and develop, and the relationships between them will become even stronger.
- The story will be emotional and heartwarming, with plenty of moments that will make fans cheer and cry.
Overall, Haikyuu Season 5 is shaping up to be a must-watch for fans of the series. It is sure to be an exciting and emotional conclusion to the story.