Why to apply for GTIN exemption with your Private Label


The cost which is incurred for getting the GTIN and printing them forever on your private label products and its packages is a matter of a fixed cost which will be incurring ever since you would be producing the product. So, if you had a great choice provided by Amazon itself to get a GTIN exemption, then why go for making the costs high. Every time you would be sending the inventory to Amazon need to hire prep services which will charge you and this will increase your cost and to maintain your profit, you need to increase your selling price at Amazon and your competitors might be having an edge of this and will draw your sales toward themselves.

Amazon Brand Registry

Amazon Brand Registry is the only way in which you are getting your own brand name or private label product registered through a systematic process and once you get approval from the Amazon Brand Registry, you can cut the cost of prep services for printing the barcodes on each product along with its package, of the inventory. Another benefit of having a brand registry is that you can market your brand through Amazon which has usually more than millions of active buyers every second.

Below are a few points which you should consider while going for your Brand Registry.

Brand Name- The brand name, with which you would be selling on Amazon should be unique and safe for you in the future. You cannot use any other brand name or part of a brand name already registered. You can check the availability of your Brand Name in the database of trademarks, search via any search engine, going through the social media marketplaces and domains of the websites. As far as now, most of the willing names are taken already and so it is recommended to have the services of a professional in case of choosing your brand name.

Brand Logo– For a brand registry, you need a logo for your brand and this should be an attractive identifying mark. This is important to differentiate your product from another similar product. There are a number of apps available on the internet which are free along with a small video on how to use them. These apps can help you better design your logo.

Product Images– For making your brand registered, you should have images of your product with a background of the real world. You cannot design your product images via apps but they should be presented each and every angle while using the product or kept on a white background table. If you haven’t your product, then you can hire a remote assistant who would be making real-life images of your product.

GTIN Exemption Amazon

After having the brand registry application, Amazon will analyze your application and provide you an approval in case you have gone through the process in the best way. The second task is to get through the application process of GTIN exemption. Sign in to your seller central account and then you can search for GTIN exemption in the search bar. You would be headed to the application page, where you can start your application.

You would be asked to provide information about your brand and images, which you can use which you have provided in case of your brand registry. Once you are done with your application, submit it for Amazon approval and you would be notified with a confirmation email.